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Consecrate California

Consecration of California
to Our Lady

December 10th, 2022

This year we will be Consecrating California to Mary.  Let's ask Our Lord to help us to defeat the Culture of Death in our State. Together we are praying for an end of abortion, euthanasia, and natural disasters. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we will praying for the sick, elderly, unwanted, and an end to violence, sex abuse, drugs, alcoholism, and sex trafficking.



Join us in consecrating California to Mary




Saturday, Dec 10th, 2022





Consecration Masses will be offered in a Parish close to you.



Help organize the participation of your Parish


Help spread the word

Help by being a sponsor of your Parish

Meet the Speakers

This year's Consecrate California event will be free and held:
At Holy Family Catholic Church in Glendale - 209 E. Lomita Ave., CA 91205

from 9am -10 am { Mass } - Free Speakers & Food from 10 - 4 pm}

Bishop David O'Connell

He is the Episcopal Vicar of the San Gabriel Pastoral Region, one of the five Pastoral Regions in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He was appointed Titular Bishop of Cell Ausaille and Auxiliary Bishop in 2015.

He received a BA in Philosophy and English Literature, a Bachelor of Divinity and a Masters of Spirituality. In his pastoral ministry, Bishop O’Connell has always been very active in serving those in need.

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Fr. Alexander Okonduugba

A Dominican priest ordained July 22, 2006. He was educated in the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology between 1997-2005 where he obtained a B.A in Philosophy and B.Th and M.A in Theology. He went further to the Federal College of Education, (Technical) Asaba, Delta State for a PGDE on Education. He has a Masters and PhD in Childhood Education from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He has worked as a parochial vicar since his ordination and a school administrator for 11yrs out the 16yrs in the priesthood.
“In God we trust; in Mary we consecrate our hearts.”--

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Eucharistic Miracles Movie Team

The New Manna feature film

We will show new Clips of the Feature film "The New Manna - Eucharistic Miracles Movie" and speaking of the process and development of this incredible feature film with all reenactments of all Bible passages  that covers  the Eucharist teaching and Interview with Doctors and Theologians

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