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Anadrol (Oxymetholone) When you plan to run a mass building oral to kick start your injectable steroid stack, you will be presented with two options, Dianabol and Anadrol. While Anadrol has much better toleration to oral dosing, it does not have the same euphoria as Dianabol and only takes twice as long to break down. If you decide to experiment with the two you'll want to consider the following: Anadrol has a much higher Tmax than Dianabol, with a range of 200-800mg taken over 90 minutes. This means you need to be able to take it for a period of 60 minutes or more before needing to stop on your own accord (though the tolerance will also increase once you go through 50mgs). Because of this, Anadrol is usually taken in a "buphed" (i.e. in a pill form) or mixed with other oral steroids. I have personally experimented with mixed oral steroid preparations that use Dianabol (a mixture of Anadrol, Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Testosterone & Testosterone-Propionate) and have found it works well for getting my daily dose of Dianabol back to normal. This has worked for me time and again, even with mixed steroids that are not the same as the steroids listed above. The reason for this is that the use of Anadrol and Dianabol produces an extremely high peak and a much less pronounced peak than the oral steroids listed above, making it suitable for the longer term, but much slower rate of T3. Dianabol is the first, and best option out of the three for a mass building solution. It is also the most widely available. I suggest purchasing Dianabol if you want to experiment with Dianabol. If you wish for a pure Dianabol capsule you can easily obtain one from any major online steroid shop or pharmacy online. You can purchase both Anadrol (Oxymetholone) and Dianabol (Phenabol) in pill form here: Similar articles: